Thursday, September 21, 2017

The UCI World Championhip 2017 ( Sykkel VM - Bergen, Norway 2017)

Hello world,

Happily presenting some photos  taken from the on-going UCI world championship
from our very own beautiful city - Bergen, Norway.

At the top of Mt. Fløien, one can see from afar the "light-show" on the wall, courtesy
of Alf Gundersen AS (advertising comp.), my son's and Kristoffer's employer, in connection
with  UCI world championship.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Color inspiration : Orange - glad, spontaneous, exciting !

Hi guys, I have day off from work but not day-off from blogging, he he. So I will let myself be inspired with orange energy today. At 12:30 I will be off to Bergen City and meet my wonderful ex-mom-in-law to watch the World Cycling Competition. Orange  crystal stone would fit for this
special occasion. The energy you will get is kicking, pulsating, glad, spontaneous, exciting. So I will wear on me  three stones, two orange and one green around my neck. Green - to create harmony that I need. Orange is for me, a strong,  spontaneous and exciting energy, that needed to be balanced with green, when needed.

My orange table
with orange stones.

Orange is for me,  a take-off energy, so I will  have something to balance, to land on !  I feel I need orange, but I am a quick person myself., so I must be aware of it, to not overdo.
and  here's my plan of what to wear today: My green stone on a necklace. An orange scarf which I bought in Paris, 14 years ago would keep my neck warm on this cold day. I am exited now,  and the wonderful  laughter  of my mother in law would surely brighten up the grey skies of Bergen, he he :)
I can say, that along with the World championship going on the streets of Bergen,  my mom in law and I are a sure winner at our own right ;) We deserved it, and you too ! ;)

Take a look of the  orange  table cloth on the picture,  my mom-in- law  sewed the border for, for me. How do you feel and sensed ? How is orange energy work on you?  For me it is a source of happy and spontaneous energy. I am telling you hands-on and actual experience of my own on colors. Orange is indeed a boosting-up color. You may need this energy when you feel sad, weary, not able to move forward in life, etc. Do not hate color, dare to wear new, try it for a moment, and watch what will happen. Good luck.

Orange is a disliked color for most people. Why not try it today?  If it is too much, then try carefully, try a lighter color,  then balance it something with green or white, or find your own color combination that works for you :)

BE A HAPPY AND SPONTANEOUS CREATURE TODAY, YOU TOO, don't be afraid to wear orange  ;)

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Sun-bath of Crystal stones.

Hei there,

Yesterday and today the sun was shining so bright, on my place of this beautiful city of Bergen (Norway)
It was so calm and quite and I only have myself, my interest and the plan on sunbathing all my crystals stone became a reality. So I did gather all the stone and spread them on the table at my veranda.

I saw how they sparkle under the sunlight, knowing the ceansing and reviving power of the sun, I let the stones stay under the sun for three hours, thus giving or recharging ( if I may use this word) each stone with energy making them ready for new healing activities, of all sorts. Use use fantasy and imagination. The colorful stones are also a lovely decoration at home.

 I am by the way, wearing three different stones on me at the moment, I wear the stone specially the green one (heartshape) closest to my heart, thus placing the stone inside my bra.

You can also bring  some  stones inside your pocket, a cute companion anywhere you go, For me  the yellow quartz help me focus on thingss. crystal stones heals and pacify, comforts and amplifies energy. I have the experience on how crystal stone works on different occasion.

The green stone -  graces the spirit with an easy sense of confidence. The excitement it stimulates can promote a more optimistic outlook that will make jumping out of your comfort zone less scary. urine) is my favorite at the moment. So I am wearing the heartshape stone inside my bra, I can feel the energy, as my skin is warming the stone at the same time, the stone gives back a delightful and subtle energy difficult to explain, maybe this is very individual, but I a happy with the experience..

Here is the photo of my stones sunbathed yesterday.
In the absence of direct sunlight, you can use water to clean them. Let dry.
