Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Color inspiration : Orange - glad, spontaneous, exciting !

Hi guys, I have day off from work but not day-off from blogging, he he. So I will let myself be inspired with orange energy today. At 12:30 I will be off to Bergen City and meet my wonderful ex-mom-in-law to watch the World Cycling Competition. Orange  crystal stone would fit for this
special occasion. The energy you will get is kicking, pulsating, glad, spontaneous, exciting. So I will wear on me  three stones, two orange and one green around my neck. Green - to create harmony that I need. Orange is for me, a strong,  spontaneous and exciting energy, that needed to be balanced with green, when needed.

My orange table
with orange stones.

Orange is for me,  a take-off energy, so I will  have something to balance, to land on !  I feel I need orange, but I am a quick person myself., so I must be aware of it, to not overdo.
and  here's my plan of what to wear today: My green stone on a necklace. An orange scarf which I bought in Paris, 14 years ago would keep my neck warm on this cold day. I am exited now,  and the wonderful  laughter  of my mother in law would surely brighten up the grey skies of Bergen, he he :)
I can say, that along with the World championship going on the streets of Bergen,  my mom in law and I are a sure winner at our own right ;) We deserved it, and you too ! ;)

Take a look of the  orange  table cloth on the picture,  my mom-in- law  sewed the border for, for me. How do you feel and sensed ? How is orange energy work on you?  For me it is a source of happy and spontaneous energy. I am telling you hands-on and actual experience of my own on colors. Orange is indeed a boosting-up color. You may need this energy when you feel sad, weary, not able to move forward in life, etc. Do not hate color, dare to wear new, try it for a moment, and watch what will happen. Good luck.

Orange is a disliked color for most people. Why not try it today?  If it is too much, then try carefully, try a lighter color,  then balance it something with green or white, or find your own color combination that works for you :)

BE A HAPPY AND SPONTANEOUS CREATURE TODAY, YOU TOO, don't be afraid to wear orange  ;)

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