Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Meditation: The aim is to make it simple.

Daily mediation is a simple thing to do.
It is how you look at it and how you think about it that makes it complicated.
Meditation comes in several forms, it is up to you to find your own way,
the key is to relax, the type of relaxing that calms your body
totally so you can reach the "meditative-state" of being completely relaxed without falling asleep.
And 5 to 20 minutes will just be fine.
If you do not succeed at once, which most people do, then try once more until you make it. Remember that practice makes perfect.

Arboretum in Bergen, Norway

Meditation is a walk in the meadow.
Dancing  with meditation music on is also a meditation.
Sitting silently with closed eyes is a meditation.
Lying  comfortably on a plaid on a summer day.
Lying comfortably directly on the grass during summer is a wonderful meditation.
Staying under a warm shower in the bathroom.
Bathing in the bathtub.
Listening to a meditative music or natural sounds like rain, waves,
Meditation is sitting down, all quitely without any electronic disturbance from mobile and TV.
Sitting in front of burning or lighted candle. Stir on the flame.
You can sit and meditate with open eyes while watching a beautiful painting. Let your mind relax.
Sitting on the beach watching the calm waves, preferably alone or away from the crowed.
Sitting under a giant tree, feeling the energy from the tree is a nourishing meditation.
Talking silently to the tree is a beautiful meditation. Let the tree know your thoughts.

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