Friday, December 7, 2018

Keeping warm - with virtual fireplace

Howdy folks.

The winter and the christmas season is here. The air is filled wth christmas songs and the spirit is felt whereever I go. I can see, smell, hear and feel it.
Senses and developing my sensual abilities and visualization technique is my focus this week.

 But first of all, it is but a must, to have the setting at home ready for the season and for my various activities on alternative sort of things. And there are many of them.

So how is and how far have you reached with your christmas preparation at home. And are you going to be home at christmas? Sounds like a song, isn't it?

it has all to start at yourself. Do you feel the spirit, the cozy atmosphere should start within you.
If it is not yet there, then you have just to wait.

If it is old outside, we always make the best possible to keep us warm once we are inside the house..
To snuggle under a warm plaid with a cup of tea is an example of a cozy atmosphere, while listening to the fine christmas tune and music or wwatching a christmas film on television.
Do you have a fireplace? How lucky you are, if you have one.
I do visualize when i am in bed around a fireplace, the visualization exercise makes me feel safe, warm and cozy.

The sight of the christmas fireplace burning and crackling fire is nothing but a beautiful sight. And since I don't have the fireplace here at home, i just turn on my Youtube and get a virtual fireplace there. AND whether you believe it or not, it feels unbelievably real and looks beautiful. The virtual fireplace filled the room with warm and cozy atmosphere.

Thank you Lord for the creative ability all of us have, so why not use it and find a cozy feeling wherever you need whenever you feel for it.

Happy advent everyone ! <3

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