Sunday, October 21, 2018

The teachings of Bee Lake

Hello everyone,
I will, from time to time, post wisdom words, expressions, notes and writings from the Aboriginwoman Bee Lake who has inspired my life through her teachings in a compilation which were made available thru a closed source. Because I care for you, I will unpack these wonderful words and share them with you. It is about time now !

I have considered myself as a lucky individual because I have been lucky to met a very wonderful individual named Irene Evensen, my Healing teacher, thru her wonderful guidance availing the work of resourceful persons through all time, like Bee Lake. Her compilation, which came from a special source, is not available in the internet, but I have been so lucky to have these  within my reach, nd now I would be happy to share some lines with so many wonderful individual like you.

I can not quote word for word as this complation has been copyrighted and should not be reproduced in any manner without the approval but I may avail from her teachings in a careful manner and  without disrespect.

Thank you so much Bee lake for the wonderful messages from you that will surely inspires each and everyone of us and I am one of those who truly are inspired <3

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