Friday, December 7, 2018

Keeping warm - with virtual fireplace

Howdy folks.

The winter and the christmas season is here. The air is filled wth christmas songs and the spirit is felt whereever I go. I can see, smell, hear and feel it.
Senses and developing my sensual abilities and visualization technique is my focus this week.

 But first of all, it is but a must, to have the setting at home ready for the season and for my various activities on alternative sort of things. And there are many of them.

So how is and how far have you reached with your christmas preparation at home. And are you going to be home at christmas? Sounds like a song, isn't it?

it has all to start at yourself. Do you feel the spirit, the cozy atmosphere should start within you.
If it is not yet there, then you have just to wait.

If it is old outside, we always make the best possible to keep us warm once we are inside the house..
To snuggle under a warm plaid with a cup of tea is an example of a cozy atmosphere, while listening to the fine christmas tune and music or wwatching a christmas film on television.
Do you have a fireplace? How lucky you are, if you have one.
I do visualize when i am in bed around a fireplace, the visualization exercise makes me feel safe, warm and cozy.

The sight of the christmas fireplace burning and crackling fire is nothing but a beautiful sight. And since I don't have the fireplace here at home, i just turn on my Youtube and get a virtual fireplace there. AND whether you believe it or not, it feels unbelievably real and looks beautiful. The virtual fireplace filled the room with warm and cozy atmosphere.

Thank you Lord for the creative ability all of us have, so why not use it and find a cozy feeling wherever you need whenever you feel for it.

Happy advent everyone ! <3

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Meditation: The aim is to make it simple.

Daily mediation is a simple thing to do.
It is how you look at it and how you think about it that makes it complicated.
Meditation comes in several forms, it is up to you to find your own way,
the key is to relax, the type of relaxing that calms your body
totally so you can reach the "meditative-state" of being completely relaxed without falling asleep.
And 5 to 20 minutes will just be fine.
If you do not succeed at once, which most people do, then try once more until you make it. Remember that practice makes perfect.

Arboretum in Bergen, Norway

Meditation is a walk in the meadow.
Dancing  with meditation music on is also a meditation.
Sitting silently with closed eyes is a meditation.
Lying  comfortably on a plaid on a summer day.
Lying comfortably directly on the grass during summer is a wonderful meditation.
Staying under a warm shower in the bathroom.
Bathing in the bathtub.
Listening to a meditative music or natural sounds like rain, waves,
Meditation is sitting down, all quitely without any electronic disturbance from mobile and TV.
Sitting in front of burning or lighted candle. Stir on the flame.
You can sit and meditate with open eyes while watching a beautiful painting. Let your mind relax.
Sitting on the beach watching the calm waves, preferably alone or away from the crowed.
Sitting under a giant tree, feeling the energy from the tree is a nourishing meditation.
Talking silently to the tree is a beautiful meditation. Let the tree know your thoughts.

Buddha - On interconnectiveness and Environment issue

The following write up is maybe  the best, humble, clearest and most harmonic way to explain Buddhas teaching. That everything in the unvierse is interconnected to each other for bad or good,
That if we spread good things in the world, the world will risk to become a happy world to live in. And if we spread harm into the world, the world and its inhabitants will risk to be harmed and suffer.

The Buddha said “Since this exists, that exists, and, since this does not exist, that does not exist. That is created because this is created, so if this disappears, that disappears.”  We are interconnected beings.

We Are Interconnected Beings]
From August 26, 2014 to December 18, 2014, I toured Americas, Asia and Europe, holding 115 question and answer sessions in 111 locations. During a question and answer session at Princeton University, a student wanted to know how Buddhist teachings can help with environmental issues.
“When Dr. Matt introduced you, he mentioned about your environmental work. I would like to hear about how you think Buddhist teachings are valuable for dealing with environmental issues and global warming.”
In general, there are two different views of how we perceive the world. The first view is that all beings exist independently, that the world is a collection of independent beings. From this perspective, life and death of one being is unrelated to the life and death of another.
The second world view is that all beings, rather than existing independently, exist in relation to other beings. For example, let’s use a hand with five fingers. From a narrow view, we can only see one finger at a time; each of the five fingers exists independently. However, from a wider view, we can see that the five fingers are connected to each other, even though each finger is different from one another.
Buddhism views that everything in the world is interconnected. When Buddha gained enlightenment, it was the realization that interconnectedness is the true nature of all beings. We are not only connected to other people, but to the air through our breathing and to the universe through light. Thus, severing these interconnections means death for all beings.
Therefore, these interconnected relationships should be symbiotic. In the case of the environment, if humans want to develop nature, they need to do so within nature’s ability to recover. Conversely, if nature is developed beyond its ability to recover, all beings will eventually be destroyed.
While overdevelopment of nature may seem beneficial to humans from a short term perspective, eventually there will be long term consequences that will harm humans. Thus, the most important Buddhist value is to respect all living things and not carelessly harm or destroy them. I believe that environmental problems can only be resolved when we adopt the Buddhist world view that all beings are interconnected.
The Buddha said “Since this exists, that exists, and, since this does not exist, that does not exist. That is created because this is created, so if this disappears, that disappears.” We are interconnected beings.

Source: Venerable Pomnyun
Guiding Zen Master of Jungto Society; Chairman of the Peace Foundation, JTS (Join Together Society), and GoodFriends

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Sel-aawareness: Communicate with your heart

cup of J- wordpress,com

Communication with the heart, is when you say words in a proper way. You can say anything to people without people being angry or hurt if your inner condition communicates goodness.
Source: www. (Ingunn Brattlid).

When you know that you are going to meet a person to confront, there are two things that you can expect to happen. The person goes in the defense position, will be stressed and most likely get trouble keeping the focus. It is important for you to meet the person with smile and talk to her and give her the impression that you are there to listen. Instead of getting into the charges. For example, by saying. It seems to me that you do not feel comfortable and seem unhappy? Is there something you want to tell? In this way, you will help this person to feel calm and you give this person the freedom and opportunity to tell his story and instead of this person mobilizing his defense against the charges, she tells things that show why not thrive at work. Your job is to inspire and let her feel that you are there for her. And things change. Usually for the better.

Sunday, October 21, 2018


The key is, that one should respect any emotion,
but as you grow older, you will also discover
that any form of emotion ( say : feeling angry) can be governed  specially in social situations,
but not necessarily suppressed.
You can always try to communicate what you feel, to someone, but not necessarily intimidate in public.
you will with time, be so clever to communicate with ease and poise, and never lose temper,
and you will surprise the people around you.
It happened one time, long time ago, that I got so mad to someone, my future sweetheart,
but through the course of anger, I remain calm, my voice not trembling, but according to him,
my face expressed  the feeling, in a manner, he had never seen before, I looked so calm, not smiling, my pitch was nor high nor low, but the words, were like dagger.
He felt so small and so ashamed, and he could never forget that  night.
I earned his respect.

I remember, I was so calm, yet  so strong and  compelling.
Because, you have managed to calm your nerves, that even if you were angry to the person you are talking to,
you still managed to lower your voice, and your face calm.
these things does not come easy, you will, with time, learn how to govern yourself and
your emotion , and end up living a healthy happy life.


For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven . . .
A time to weep and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance . . .”
--Ecclesiastes 3:1,4


Thanks to Nettavisen

Simply smiling could add 7 years of your life.

It is important to honor your feelings especially joy and sorrow. Repressing any of these can cause physical health problems.

source: Bee Lake (Aboriginewoman)

The teachings of Bee Lake

Hello everyone,
I will, from time to time, post wisdom words, expressions, notes and writings from the Aboriginwoman Bee Lake who has inspired my life through her teachings in a compilation which were made available thru a closed source. Because I care for you, I will unpack these wonderful words and share them with you. It is about time now !

I have considered myself as a lucky individual because I have been lucky to met a very wonderful individual named Irene Evensen, my Healing teacher, thru her wonderful guidance availing the work of resourceful persons through all time, like Bee Lake. Her compilation, which came from a special source, is not available in the internet, but I have been so lucky to have these  within my reach, nd now I would be happy to share some lines with so many wonderful individual like you.

I can not quote word for word as this complation has been copyrighted and should not be reproduced in any manner without the approval but I may avail from her teachings in a careful manner and  without disrespect.

Thank you so much Bee lake for the wonderful messages from you that will surely inspires each and everyone of us and I am one of those who truly are inspired <3

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Inspirational: Renewed and inspired - Autumn is here

I am no doubt an autumn person, that although I have some health problem with couh and colds and being an easy catcher of those during autumn, still I feel that I am truly inspired and happoy during autumn. it is the best time time of the year for me, most probably because of how nature change from dull to bright, the falling leaves, the windblows, the rain, so much emotions around it, the fact that people tend to sit closed to each and with each other indoors, makes this season truly an important one. Autumn is romantic to me, it is deep, expressive colorful and very temperamental.
It is also the best time of the year when it comes to indoor activities like card reading, angel card reading with friends, healing and discussions about color-therapy and the like, or simply social
gathering with few and closed friends, or together with your sweetheart.
Another thing is indoor activities, there is nothing better like strolling outside, in the forest, woods and meadows. The fresh air, the sights, the autumn colors that really inspire, the total experience the joy autumn can briung. Dress up according to climate, let the rain not stop you in exploring the autumn sorrounding. It is worth the trip.

Photos from Bergen, Norway