Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Healing do I prepare before and after the healing session.

What is and what happens during healing?
Answer: The transfer of healing energy usually through the hands. This energy is part of all living beings from conception to death. It is this life force that not only keeps us healthy, but also repairs the damage when we are wounded or sick.

Some definitions:

Healing through faith - where healing is considered to be based on both a religious faith, and a belief in the healer's own forces.
Spiritual healing - in which the energy transmitted to the patient, is believed to be of divine origin.
For many healers are definitions for guidance, since healing  has proven to be effective regardless of the patient and the healer's personal beliefs.

Healing  by the universal energy – This is my belief and my kind of healing as simple as it sounds.
Through my own little ritual, I cleansed myself before and after healing using a simple ritual. Like for example:  Grounding my feet onto the ground I Stand on, getting the earth energy,  with closed eyes and with an open heart, I raised my arms from the sides and up all over my head, holding them there for a while, with the intention, to receive the universal energy from above, ( crystal clear, or silvery or golden color) and like  supporting a plastic balloon full of water  above your head,  you pinched  a hole on the balloon letting the healing water  to shower you all over, then bring the arms down slowly from the center of the head and back alongside the body, down  to the this slowly.. like a ritual ! Your awareness is important. This ritual may vary, according to your own choice of how your cleansing ritual will look like. Use your imagination.

Alternative: You can ground your feet unto the earth and while standing there, you can close your eyes and imagine that a heavenly energy ( crystal clear, or silvery, or golden) in color to shower you all over, just like standing under your shower in your bathroom.
Always take a deep breath . Repeat this 2 or 3 x.
Now you are ready to heal

After healing. Wash your hands with lukewarm water, take a deep breath, close your eyes for a moment and thank the universe for the universal energy. Sit down and relax.

Reference: The Natural familydoctor : Dr. A. D.Stanway
and my own experience as healer and natural therapist.

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