Monday, October 31, 2016

Meditation: Simple and classic meditation technique

Classic and simple meditation cleanses the mind and provides an important break from everyday life.
Find a place at home or in nature where you are not disturbed and sit in meditation pose.
Alternative: You can also sit down on a chair with your feet on the floor and your hands in your lap or on the armrests.
Keep your back straight, lower your shoulders and make sure your chin does not sink to the  chest (or you will fall asleep)
Then close your eyes and breathe deeply a few times - be sure that your lungs be filled completely when you breathe and completely emptied when you exhale (with  "ahhhh" sound during exhalation)

Trytetjern, Nesbyen

When your breathing has stabilized at a slow, comfortable rhythm, you can imagine a small pond in idyllic surroundings. A blue sky arches up there and you see small, light, white clouds. They reflected in the water. Imagine a tiny stone falls into the water. The stone sinks slowly in the clear water, down, down toward the bottom. Now imagine that you are the stone. Resting on the bottom of the pond while looking up at the sky. Imagine that clouds are your mind. Clouds are all your worries and obligations.
Take a few minutes to just watch them drift past. You should probably go over them one by one later on, but right now let the mind be quiet and unspoiled where you can safely rest in your wet haven.
(Source: The Body Shop)

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