Wednesday, October 26, 2016

If you want to develop your healing ability....

Important: If you want to develop your healing-abilities, it is important that you have an experienced healer to guide or instruct you.  His or her experience and knowledge on this area is valuable for you as it may serve as  inspiration for you.

An experienced healer can give you instructions and advice how to "open" yourself to receive power for healing, and how to protect yourself while you're "open". There are many ways to do this, you will with time, develop your own way. Talk to other healer or do some research yourself. Remember your way is the best way as this is your sincere and honest reality. Give yourself time and believe in your ability. Just listen to your inner voice and 
to your heart.

When you have done healing many times already either on yourself or to others, you will also develop yourself and your sensitivity and awareness reaches a new level.

When you are a beginner, you are naturally unease with yourself but after sometime
you get more relax and also gain insights. 
Trust yourself and get some feedback. 
Part of your daily routine should include meditation during the day, 20 minutes are good.
All healers I know, do meditation.
I also do my yoga. Evening yoga is specially helpful for me. Meditation and yoga are specially good activities not only for healers but for everyone.
Evening or night yoga makes me relax and to get sound sleep.

Whether you learn healing to practice it on yourself or to
help others, you must be aware that while exercising healing you are also open on
outside influence.
It is important that after a healing session you should also learn and remember how to shut off.

(Reiki healers go through short rituals to "open up" and also to "close or shut off")
I do that too. For I have learned the Reiki way.

Some healers feel they are being "tapped" to
provide healing. There are ways to avoid this, among other things, it is
important not to get too emotionally involved in the client's problems, and to
learn to be a "channel" for energy. 
Under healing, I observed that my energy increases and this is
the energy I pass unto the other but it does not mean
I am being tapped 

When I do healing, I  do not feel tired but the opposite, I gain energy, i guess this has something to do
with self trust and reliance and confidence  and the thought of giving help
through healing is energy building in itself. Our source is the universal
energy, it is unending, it is only recirculating.

Remember: That you are a unique individual and you will with time, develop
your own unique way also as a healer,
trust yourself and your ability.

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