Tuesday, October 25, 2016

My strange and crystal clear story - ( My wonderful crystal stone - a phenomenon)


I am thinking now and then..
why and what really happen that evening, 13 years ago...in Alicante, Spain.

This was the very last summer-vacation we have had as a family.
July is a vacation month in Norway… a so-called “common-holiday” month. This summer we had decided to leave for Spain so we rented a house via the internet.
We arrived late at our first destination … the Alicante  Station ..which was a 50 km., away ( almost an hour drive by car.
Late arrivals..was the key word, doomed to happened during July...common vacation month !
First the plane arrived late at destination… almost 1.5 hr. late.
Upon arrival at the airport, there was no rent-a car- available. So we have waited… the children ( Diana turned 8 the same week, Stephy was 15, and Alain was soon 21 by August.) were exhausted. Warm temp, moist, noisy people, God, we were hungry.Yet  our focused was on one thing… to get a car… I as a mother with the youngest  were busy attending the luggages, while the others were elsewhere doing things. I felt terribly depressed knowing that it was getting darker in the evening, and still we didn’t have a car, and aside from that we were hungry.
The first encounter of the mysterious.
In between my hands was my crystal stone
This is a 90% look a like picture of my crystal stone
(John brommeland and co.ANS).
… out of desperation… I was, while holding my child on the other hand, making a wish on my crystal stone… and watched the stone “glowed” with a light, that only me could noticed, I supposed.. “Please, give us a car..now!”..was my plea to the universe !
Within 3 minutes…I  saw the driver of a “vacant” rent a car waving on my direction.. IT WAS INDEED A BRAND NEW MERCEDEZ…RENT A CAR..  This time I jumped with joy!
Thank you so much !
SO NICE INTERIOR AND SO  COMFORTABLE.Tired and exhausted, the children  fall asleep faster than I thought inside the brand-new airconditioned car. My ex.husband drove the car…50 km.
(No one knew about this little phenomenon…not after a few hours later !)

The second encounter of the mysterious..
It was dark when we arrived at our final destination area, but we have to find the house too. I
Had to watch the luggages again while everyone went away to search for the house and it took more than half an hour for them to finally find the house.

On my case, I thought I was not all alone anymore… I felt safe..with my stone ! I knew that (after all I had the first mysterious event earlier today.) But my stomach was really noisy, wanting food and drink.. It was indeed strange that nobody thought about stopping by at a highway restaurant to get some food.
It was difficult to argue when the main person, has only one thing in his mind..to find the house…there was no time to lose, for it was getting dark… and it was also understandable… but still !!!)
Nine o'clockin the evening.
I took my crystal stone and place the stone on my right palm…I moved from where I stood.. and placed my right palm with the stone, some 10 cm. below the lowest part of the window by the passenger side. .I need something to lean on.  I took deep breathe, and went into a meditative mood… then truly went into a trance like mood… with open eyes… then out of desperation and hunger, I asked a question. It was by the way a sunday evening.

The stone on my palm, started to twinkle bright and then bright warm light of a rainbow spectrum suddenly enkindled, the stone emits fire on my hand that if it was a normal situation I maybe able to burn my hand, but it was not warm, it was an incredible stunning sight and experience of the supernatural…I was truly under a trance  when my son exclaimed and called up my name louder than usual..so I went out of the trance like situation…
But I remained strange and couldn’t say much…My son saw the stone I was holding and he said.. Mamma.. what did you do with the car? ..He pointed to the little mark on the car where my hand laid on, and noticed that the car paint has melted, and the shaped of the part melted was exactly of the same form as the pointed part of the crystal stone.)
My boy became very eager with a huge smile on his face.. he said to me… Tell the story mamma ! 

(My son who is now 33 yrs. old, is my first hand witness on this strange happening)

My husband was angry upon realizing what has happened...and we had a huge discussion at the bedroom the same evening… He was afraid, and he could no longer trust me.. and the car paint was also damaged...we needed to find a solution for it...and we did ! ( every problem has a solution, I thought! )

The argument between us continued on the "supernatural" matter too...
(I could somehow understand the feeling why he was afraid !)

Now I want you to please share with me, whatever your "supernatural story" is about !
it is fun, it is indeed a wonderful experience, that is worth sharing !  <3

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